
A MUST READ UPDATE | ISSUE #1 | ISSUE #2 | ISSUE #3 | ISSUE #4 | ISSUE #5 | ISSUE #6 | ISSUE #7 | ISSUE #8 | ISSUE #9 | ISSUE #10 | ISSUE #11 | ISSUE #12 | ISSUE #13 | PICTURES | Pictures 2 | Pictures 3 | Pictures 4 | Pictures 5 | Meet The Club | Sound Wavs! | A Sweet Little Poem
BEAUtiful Boy!:)



Scrapbook info
Play Review


Well, there aren't any that I know of. (major ones...like, not just spelling errors) And If there are, you people have to let me know!:) Anyway, No Corrections...I gues s that's a good thing though:) This newsletter's not gonna be too long though, cuz I didn't have too much info...gee...imagine that:)j/k I just need stuff to put in this thing:)

Scrapbook Info

Well, it's basically done and it Will be Beau's Christmas present:) Thanks for putting stuff in, to those of you who did! I didn't know when I'd give it to him cuz I never see him, except after lunch. And I'm not giving it then cuz there's still 2 more hours of school to go and who knows who'll get their hands on it. So I'm gonna get Mr. Hiner to let me out a minute early 7th period. So, if any of you wanna be there then meet at Hiner's roon(C228) about 2 minutes before the period is over.


Again, I don't have much news. That's what I need...The 'News' is an important thing and I need some of it!!:) But, I do have one bit of info to share with you all. Beau loves the Counting Crows, and when their new CD came out beau was THE FIRST person in Wooster to buy it! I don't know how he managed that, but somehow he did!:) And, beau also is like, Obsessed with Pokemon. So, that's about it. Please, someone, Anyone, if you have any info, news, or whatever...please let me know:)


Ok, since NOBODY sent me a review, even though I asked for one MANY times...I'm just gonna review one myself.
Well, I saw it three times! The first time I saw it I went with Amber, we sat right in the front center. When he was singing "Honestly Sincere" he came off the stage and sat right in front of me singing to me. It was kinda odd but I got over it. It was really good!! I love that movie and the play version is even better cuz there are more songs that are really good. I went the next weekend with my mom cuz she wanted to see it cuz of all the Elvis stuff:) We sat in front off to the left side. It was again really good. After words, Beau came over to us and called my mom "Mom" which was kinda scary, but oh well Then I went the next day, too, cuz they were having a talent show before the play and I wanted to see it. But, no one would go with me so I went by myself. Anywho...they were all great performances and everyone in the cast was excellent. Hillary, Pat, Jenny, and all the other people that I didn't know, and the ones I did but can't remember who all of them are:) Anyway, they play ROCKED!!!!:P...And send me reviews guys. I need stuff. And they don't even have to be like a writing about everything it was about or whatever. Just like, mine and how I just wrote what it was, anything exciting that may have happened and how you like it. I'm just trying to get people involved and stuff, geepers:):)

Pres.: Samantha Weaver
V.P.: Megan Woodward
Sec.: Jenny Grosjean
Treas.: Jenny Miller

*Karen Henery, Jessica Bakerlis, Louise Chell, Amber Gaggins, Susan Mills, Deanna Stourse, Amanda Rutter, Cathi Gwin, Melissa Leighty, Chris Mair, Paul Rycik, dan linz, Jill Swartz, 2 of Beau's olderr friends...And our Jr. Beau Scouts Marissa Woodward and Shanna Finn--the 7th graders and Jr. members*
*21 Members*


SEE YA ALL IN 2000!!!!!!!!!!
