Visitor's Name: Sarahanne Homepage URL: You are from: Lopsided Land Comments: I enjoyed your page. I'll be back. (: Sign Time: September 08 2001 at 22:34:55 |
Visitor's Name: Paola Homepage URL: You are from: Miami, FL Comments: Hey! I think your page is great! :) I wish the best for Beau!!! Sign Time: January 02 2001 at 16:56:20 |
Visitor's Name: Jill Homepage URL: You are from: Wooster, Ohio Comments: I know I already signed this once, but I am doing it again. Beau, if you read this, I just wanted to say hi, I miss you and I want to wish you the best of luck! I am glad that I got to sing with you in choir and act with you through Drama Club! Also in my first message I meeant to say that it is awesome to see a pic of me on the web page ! Sign Time: October 22 2000 at 19:00:35 |
Visitor's Name: Beau R. Clark Homepage URL: Um..... I guess this one You are from: Cincinnatti, Oh Comments: Well, I tried to post a message here before but it didnt work.... Anywaysm=, although I'm COMPLETELY not worthy of such a site, or of such strong support, it is very much appreciated..... Times are VERY rough here at CCM, so any Love is very helpful. Much Love to you all.. -Beau R. Clark- Sign Time: October 04 2000 at 20:58:29 |
Visitor's Name: Melissa Homepage URL: You are from: Wooster Comments: Im not a big fan of Sir Beau as you are well aware.. however the website is ok i guess.. aside from the fact its about him =) Thanks for being more obsessed with someone then i am hehe Sign Time: October 02 2000 at 16:10:21 |