CONTENTS Beginning Notes News answering fanclub questions Sammy Amanda My turn Song Officers Members Thanks! Beginning Info Guess What everyone! exactly one year ago this fanclub was started! Most people were skeptical. But we did it we held the bcfc together for one whole year! NEWS Well I heard news that Beau had teeth and jaw surgery. And everything turned out fine. No new news on what date he is leaving for school or and info on how the summer jobs are going. But maybe next month CLEARING Things Up Well, a little further down in the newsie you will find out about how the club got started. But I wanted to explain some of the things about the fanclub that new members, or even Beau doesnt know about. So here it goes... 1. Airheads is the official candy off the bcfc * when the fab four started bcfc at summer gym, we had one day when we were going bowling. And I had an Airheads shirt that I was going to wear. So there was much talk of everyone getting shirt and writing airheads on them for bowling. But it never happened. Still we adopted Airheads as our bowling team name/official candy* 2. 18 * well that is a little blunt but it comes from an interview that Sam had with beau about Kilke. But I dont think it is appropriate to explain in the newsie so e-mail me or Sammy to hear the rest* 3. Use you head * It is not referring to guys/Beau to use their Head, It not even referring to usin your noggin. It is the Airheads slogan. And that is the only reason it has anything to do with the club. 4. Purple Thursdays * When the second newsie came out we read in it that Beaus favorite color was purple! So someone said that we should wear purple the next day. And I just happened to be a Thursday, its not like its his favorite day or anything. so if became a tradition. And most of the fanclub members didnt forget to wear purple, But we had a few slip ups* Sammy! Ok, well, lets start at why and how the fanclub started! Well, (my) sophomore year had science 10 with Beau:)--interesting class:) In March I had little keychain picture frame on my bookbag-I remember it was march because I hada piece of cardboard in the frame and wrote "Viva Selena" on it because it was the anniversary of her death. So, anyway, I was sitting behind Beau minding y own business and he turned around and started essing with my keychains. He took the elena thing andook the paper out and on the back wrote President of Beau's Fan Club" on it.:) And then told me that his fan club consisted of 7th and 8th graders, and me as the pres:) So anyway, that was that. Then, I was in summer gym last summer with Megan Woodward, Jackie Miller, and Jennifer Grosjean(from Waynedale, in Bye BYe Birdie w/ Beau). And when Megan told Jennifer that she went to Wooster, I believe the first words out of Jenny's mouth were "Do you know Beau Clark?!" Dumb question...if you got to Wooster, you know Beau!:)hehe. So anyway, We precided to discuss many things, one of which included Beau:) Then, I don't really remember why, but the topic of a 'fan club' came up. I told the story of science class and suddenly the fan club was born...making Megan the VP, Jackie the Treasure and Jenny the Sec. And that was that!:) When school started again, that topic kind of dies down...until......Bye Bye Birdie premired! I guess when Megan and Jackie saw it after the show the talked to beau and Megan told Beau that Jackie was the Treasure of his fanclub and she was the VP. He asked who the pres was and they said me. then he made a request/demand:) for newsies:) So, Megan and Jackie went hom and wrote up a newsletter, brought itto school and gave itto beau. Finally I was able to see it-it took Beau forever to let me borrow it-and the fan club was Officially started after that newsie!:) Then I precided to make to newsies for the rest of the year:) and we got lots of members:) As for fav parts of the newsie or whatever, I have to say I've had fun with it:) Although people suck and lots of morons REALLY FREAKING Irritated me and gave me hell about it, I managed to ignore them and go on with everything. Oh and how I REALLY Wanted to hurt some people!:) But oh well!:) And I think I would to say that my fav thing was making the scrapbook for Beau! I enoyed making that. Even though on like 6 people out of like 22 gave stufF!!!!;) Everything I got was Completely Awesome and the book turned out awesome! And, Beau seemed to have really liked it, which is what matters:) So, now that i've gone on for like ever, I'll go now:) Bye-Bye-Bye(Beau told me that he's the next Justin Timberlake)-first he's the next Elvis, then the next Andy Kaufman, then the next Eminem, and now the next Justin Timberlake--geesh!:) Bye Bye Bye, ~Samantha~ Amanda The reason I joined was cause I figure if Beau makes it big I want to be able to say I was one of the first members of his fan club----make me feel important:) Also he is a nice guy, and very cute:-) I dont know why else prolly cause you all begged me to hahaha j/k I love you guys ~Amanda~ *Treasurer (I think people should start giving me money what do you think lol) More Words From Me The thing that I will remember most about the Bcfc is Beau! He is the greatest actor I know and the greatest singer that I know none can compare to him! It has been a great year and I hope that Beau comes back to visit and maybe see some plays. Hey he could bring Ayler along we wouldnt mind! I hope that when Beau does become famous he remembers his fanclub! If he ever needs a date to the Oscars he has 18 lovely women dying to go with him! The Beau National Anthem We love you Beau, Oh yes we do! We love you Beau, And we'll be true When you're near us, We're Blue! Oh, Beau, We Love You Officers President is: Megan Woodward Vice President is: Jackie Miller Secretary is: Jill Swartz Treasure is: Amanda Rutter MEMBERS Sammantha Weaver, Karen Henery, Louise Chell, Jessica Bakerlis, Amber Gaggins, Susan Mills, Deanna Strouse, Cathi Gwin, Melissa Leighty, Chris Mair, Paul Rycik, Dan Lentz, Christina Henry, And 2 of Beau's older friendsAnd our Jr. Beau Scouts Marissa Woodward and Shanna Finn-the 7th graders of the club. *22 MEMBERS* :)TIZZY!!:) THANKS Thank you everyone in the club and Beau, our first year has been really great! Next issue is the one year anniversary of thenewsie